Considering the fact that Southern California is the Mecca for cosmetic surgery, it’s no surprise that many people come to La Jolla for their “nips and tucks.” And, everyone knows that when it comes to cosmetic surgery, finding an excellent surgeon is one of the most important factors in a successful cosmetic surgical outcome. That’s why Dr. Bucko’s patients are willing to travel from far away places in search of the ultimate result. Just recently, Dr. Bucko welcomed patients from Pennsylvania, Michigan, New York, Colorado, Mexico and even British Columbia!

According to Dr. Bucko, “We are very committed to all our patients, but it does require additional coordination and commitment on everyone’s part to accommodate our out-of town patients. Our staff can assist with travel arrangements, financing options, pre and post operative recovery accommodations, while Deb, our registered nurse, can coordinate their specific medical needs.

So, even if you or someone you know is considering cosmetic surgery, but live out of town, feel comfortable contacting our office and recommending Dr. Bucko. After all, Southern Californians aren’t the only ones who want to look their best!

Contact us if you want specific information on our out-of-town packages.